Friday, November 27, 2009

kitchen remodel

We've been busy yesterday & today preparing for our kitchen remodeling. Austin came home for Thanksgiving on Wednesday. Realizing that we would be busy clearing out the kitchen we ate dinner at a buffet with all the fixings. Workers showed up this morning at 8:30 am. But here's a tour of the kitchen before we all tore into it.

This is my much loved bread board (although not a lot of bread was cut on it). It was more often a place to put a hot dish or cut up onions. When Jim, the cabinet maker, stopped by for one last measurement I asked if he could put in a bread board. He said he could so I ordered one.

This is a device Don attached to the stove knobs so certain Beagles could not turn on the burners.

This is the old oven which no longer works. It was a great oven though. Note the stainless steel.

This is a view of the kitchen from the living room. Lots of brown. Brown floor, brown walls, brown cabinets and brown ceiling!

I took these photos on a day I was making split pea soup. Please excuse the mess, although my kitchen usually looks about this bad all the time. Note the burnt area above the stove where a certain Beagle turned on the burner & could've burnt the house down. Hence the bar across the knobs.

Note the built in radio/intercom system.

Well, it doesn't usually look this bad; I still needed to clean up after cooking. Hope you enjoyed the tour!

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